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Our 2025 Missions Conference will feature Dan and Susie Potter, who together refer to themselves as Duzie!  This amazing couple has lived their life in ministry around the world and are coming to Asheville to help us learn how to better live fully alive!!  Dan and Kevin went to college together (along time ago!) and this will not just be a great reunion but an opportunity for our church to meet a very good long time friend!

Be sure to come back Sunday morning at 10:30am for the final segment of living fully alive!

Be sure to click on the link below to register!

Duzie Bio:

Dan & Suzie Potter

“The DUZIE Story” in Three Acts

Act One: LOVE
Once upon a time in a most unusual place, Dan & Suzie met, Dan fell in love at first 
sight, Suzie on the other hand needed much more time. But in 1986 they were 
married and became DUZIE. They began their journey in Marlette, Michigan, as 
Nurse Suzie and Youth Worker Dan, but they had a strong desire to be on mission 
together. They sold the farm, so to speak, bought a tent, moved to Poland and began 
pioneering Youth Ministry with Operation Mobilization. God blessed and they were 
able to launch over 100 outreaches, congress, camps and festivals around the 
country, as well as throughout Europe. Oh yes and they started growing their family.

In 1995 they returned to the USA with their 2 boys and worked with their mission 
director to focus on next generation ministries around the world. Oh yes, and they 
helped nationals globally create more congresses, camps, workshops, as well as a 
school for international Youth Workers. Sometimes, many times, in the midst of all 
this they would join their mission ship in some port of the world and give workshops 
and creative shows to locals believers, seekers and those who were just in the right 
place at the right time. Their “Passion Focused Life” workshop has been experienced 
live by over 35,000 people. 

Here’s the challenging thing, teens only stay that way for a short time, they tend to 
grow up. They begin to often doubt and deconstruct their life. So Dan & Suzie 
became certified life coaches to walk alongside their journey as better equipped 
mentors. They have created over 50 online courses to help teens, young adults and 
couples live Fully Alive through their choices, changes and challenges.
They have coached hundreds, communicated live to 1.5 million in 78 countries and 
created 5000 unique EduTainment experiences filled with story, wonder, interaction 
and LIFE, because that is why Jesus came (according to John 10:10) . . . to bring 
LIFE to the FULL!

A DUZIE is “something or someone outstanding or extraordinary”, which is also how 
you define FULLY ALIVE. 

For more details go to and click on “About Us”.
