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Experience heartfelt praise and worship during each service and know that we believe in blessing our Lord. 

This morning Dr. Robin Eubanks will be speaking to us.  She always imparts such knowledge of the Word through love and we look forward to her speaking with us again!

Psalms 29:2
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.


Biography of Dr. Robin Eubanks

Dr. Robin Eubanks is a professional motivational trainer, author, minister, entrepreneur, wife, daughter, friend, and survivor. She has presented workshops and seminars throughout the country for more than twenty-five years on a variety of topics such as: motivation, building healthy relationships, resilience, and bouncing back from adversity. Dr. Eubanks is passionate about helping people discover their purpose.

Dr. Eubanks has a Bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College, a Master’s degree from Adelphi University, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at Seton Hall University.

Dr. Eubanks is a presenter and educator that display a sense of passion for teaching and motivating. She has an exceptional caring for people that drives her unique humanistic approach to a positive direction. She has a unique talent, energy, and sense of humor to immediately capture an audience, and energize and inspire them to do great things.

Dr. Eubanks is also a Licensed Minister, Ordained Elder, and graduate of the Certificate Program in Christian Ministry at the New York Theological Seminary. She has ministered in a variety of capacities and is gifted with the ability to motivate and empower individuals to strive towards their full potential. But most importantly, Robin realizes that her gift in speaking, teaching, and preaching is given by God, to Him, be the Glory.