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Please invite all your family, friends, and neighbors to stop by to purchase their fireworks this year at our Fireworks Stand!

Located in front of Ingles, 1141 Tunnel Road in East Asheville, across from the VA Hospital.

We will be there from June 23 – July 4.

The Missions Team of The Church at Asheville supported by missions minded church family will staff the stand to offer fireworks and raising funds for our Missions Program.

Some of our 2017 Missions outreach include:  Veteran’s Restoration Quarters, Monthly singing at Bella Vista Retirement Center, Filtering Our Blessings to the Asheville Homeless, Awake WNC, The Refuge House of Prayer, Hope Never Dyes, Business Prayer Monday, Kingdom Crusaders, European Faith Missions, Paraklesis Ministries, Connect Global. and grants to TCAA members for short-term missions trips.

Our goal is to fulfill the Great Commission by preaching with our lives and allowing the love of God to shine through us.

Thank you for your help!!



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